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What is Digital Marketing?

When we talk about marketing, we notice a huge difference between today’s and last decade’s marketing techniques. This difference shows us that to fulfill consumer requirements, we need to upgrade ourselves from traditional marketing to digital marketing.

For this article, let’s cover all about digital marketing and its basics, which answers the question “What is digital marketing

Introduction to digital marketing

As we have discussed, marketing has come a long way from billboards and TV commercials. A new form of marketing is introduced that utilizes online platforms and tools to reach audiences all over the world, and this term is known as digital marketing.

What is digital marketing, in simpler words?

It is also known as search marketing, is the promotion of brands by using the internet and other types of digital platforms to connect with new customers. These digital platforms include e-mails, social media channels, search engines, texts, and multimedia messages.

Digital marketing channels

Social media marketing:Social media marketing involves the use of social media platforms to promote products or services. It includes various activities such as content creation, audience management, and paid advertising to achieve marketing goals.
Search engine optimization:Search engine optimization, commonly known as SEO, is the basis of a successful online strategy. A well-optimized website plays a major role in SEO strategy.
Email Marketing: Email marketing is a way to connect with a targeted audience and involves sending targeted emails to subscribers, promoting products, and building customer loyalty.
Content Marketing: The approach of creating and sharing valuable, relevant information in order to attract and engage a target audience is known as content marketing. This information can take different forms, including blogs, videos, podcasts, and social media updates.

Advantages of digital marketing

Enhanced brand visibility

Expanding Your Reach:Digital marketing has the ability to increase the reach of your brand by connecting you with your targeted audience globally, whereas traditional marketing has geographical limitations.
Targeted Marketing: Digital marketing leads to precision, i.e., it makes our efforts more valuable. It makes our efforts more valuable by helping us target the right audience or targeted audience for whom we are working. Which leads to better conversion rates and a better return on investment.
Building an online presence: All about digital marketing is creating a strong online presence. To achieve this, it is important to create a user-friendly website and optimize it for search engines. This online visibility increases brand awareness and credibility.


Traditional marketing vs. digital marketing: If we compare traditional marketing with digital marketing, traditional marketing methods are limited and expensive, such as TV commercials and print ads. Meanwhile, it offers a broad range of budget-friendly marketing solutions.
Measurable Return on Investments (ROI): It allows us to measure the returns on our investments. By measuring return on investment, we can optimize our campaigns and strategies more precisely to get the best possible results.

Data-driven decision-making

Analyzing the data we have generated through our digital marketing efforts and making decisions on the basis of that analysis is known as data-driven decision-making. By analyzing customer behavior, we can obtain important information on our audience’s preferences and interactions and improve our marketing strategies successfully.
Analytics and Metrics: We have tools like Google Analytics, Semrush, Hubspot, and Mixpanel at our service to analyze the performance of our campaigns. These tools also make it easier to make decisions based on data.
Conversion Tracking: With the help of conversion tracking tools, we can track the actions of customers after they interact with the ads, whether they purchased a product, signed up for promotions, called our business, or downloaded our app.
A/B Testing: A/B testing helps businesses compare two or more variations of marketing campaigns, and on the basis of which campaign performs better, we can move forward with our marketing strategies.

Building trust and credibility

Online Reviews and Testimonials: Online reviews and testimonials give social proof and help new buyers create trust. Positive comments may have a major impact on purchase decisions.
Industry Authority : Through useful and engaging content, webinars, and thought leadership, it can present a company as an industry specialist.
Transparency and Authenticity: Customers value honesty and open communication; thus, transparency in digital marketing creates credibility.


We have explored the question “What is digital marketing?”, and found that it is a broad approach that utilizes the strength of the internet and different digital platforms to promote businesses, engage customers, and create company success.

  • Increase in brand visibility
  • Targeted marketing
  • Global reach
  • Cost-effectiveness as compared to traditional marketing
  • Enable businesses of all sizes to compete on a level playing field.
Moreover, it promotes transparency, authenticity, and trust, with features like online reviews and testimonials helping to build credibility and positive customer relationships.
So next time you wonder, “What is digital marketing?” Then never forget that it is the main factor in business growth in a successful company. And with Aavivvi’s marketing strategies, move your brand forward and watch as it transforms your business in ways you never thought possible.

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