ordPress Expertise

Sketch to Start-up

Businesses must have a strong online existence in the context of an ongoing digital environment. At Aavivvi we serve you advanced WordPress web development services that are perfectly designed to fulfill your web development needs. Whether it’s making your website look good on all devices, adding plugins, or adjusting themes, we have it all. Find out how collaborating with Aavivvi helps your business to use the full power of WordPress web development in order to expand your business.

WordPress web development

Tech Stack Showcase

Why Choose WordPress Web Development?

WordPress opens a toolbox with features that make creating and managing websites a snap. Whether you’re making web pages, publishing blog posts, or handling other types of content, WordPress makes it simple and efficient. Let’s dive into why WordPress is such a great choice for your website!
SEO - Friendly
  • Built-in SEO Features
  • SEO-Optimized Themes
  • Permalink Customization
Customization Options
  • Themes and Templates 
  • Plugin Ecosystem 
  • Custom Post Types 
Lead Generation
  • Forms and Landing Pages
  • Call-to-Action (CTA) Widgets
  • Pop-Ups and Slide-Ins
Integration Capabilities
  • CRM Integration 
  • Email Marketing Tools 
  • Analytics Integration 
Responsive Design
  • Mobile-Optimized 
  • Customizable Layouts 
  • Regular Updates 
  • Security Plugins 
  • SSL Support 
Performance Optimization
  • Caching Plugins 
  • Image Optimization 
Content Management
  • Gutenberg Editor
  • Media Management
  • Blogging Platform
  • Modular Structure 
  • Multisite Capabilities 
E-commerce Ready
  • WooCommerce
Ease of Use
  • User-Friendly Interface 
  • Intuitive Dashboard 
Social Media
  • Built-in SEO Features
  • SEO-Optimized Themes
  • Permalink Customization


Our Approach to WordPress Web Development

WordPress is the most used CMS platform on which over 43% of the websites present on the internet are created. Websites made on WordPress are visually appealing websites that provide functionality and adaptability. In addition to increase your online visibility, WordPress is the best way to go.
We get to understand what you are trying to achieve, who your audience is, and the vision you have. This enables us to craft a project roadmap around your unique requirements.
From web design to development, reach your vision with a custom responsive WordPress design that looks great across all devices.
We will develop a solid and scalable WordPress site using the latest web technologies in WordPress development.
Once thoroughly tested, we launch the website. We can also offer ongoing support and maintenance to have your WordPress site up to date and working just fine.
We offer extended support and maintenance during updating and maintaining your WordPress site.


Our Approach To WordPress Web Development

WordPress is the most used CMS platform on which over 43% of the websites present on the internet are created. Websites made on WordPress are visually appealing websites that provide functionality and adaptability. In addition to increase your online visibility, WordPress is the best way to go.
WordPress web development

Custom Built Themes

Pre-made WordPress website themes can be found on online marketplaces, perhaps a company needs its own unique design. With Aavivvi, we take the time to understand the client’s requirements and create a custom WordPress theme from scratch. As a result, they have control over the website’s design, layout, and functionalities.

Theme Customization

WordPress has a large collection of pre-designed themes that are easily customizable to match the brand’s style. At Aavivvi, we have a team of dedicated WordPress developers with the knowledge of proper theme customization. Theme customization is not only about changing the aesthetics; it also includes changes in layout and functionality to properly match the business requirements.
WordPress web development


In cases where businesses are already using a different content management system (CMS) or an older version of WordPress, migration and upgrades may be necessary. In addition to meet these requirements, WordPress developers can help in the smooth migration of existing websites or upgrading WordPress versions while ensuring data integrity, preserving SEO rankings, and maintaining website functionality.

Web Optimization

The website’s performance plays a major role in delivering a fast and smooth user experience. To optimize WordPress website performance, there are various techniques such as caching, image optimization, database optimization, code optimization, and server configuration. WordPress developers can analyze the website to ensure it performs optimally in terms of speed, responsiveness, and scalability.

Ecommerce Store

Now businesses don’t need to go to marketplaces in addition to sell or promote their products; they may create their own e-commerce store like Amazon, Etsy, Alibaba, etc. with the help of WordPress. Our field of expertise is using plugins like WooCommerce to effectively convert your website into a profitable online store. These include creating easy-to-use shopping carts, linking highly secure payment gateways, properly creating product listings, effectively managing inventories, and creating a neat layout for quick order processing.

Multisite Website

Are you considering hiring WordPress developers for your brand? Then the answer is a WordPress multisite. WordPress multisite is a feature that allows you to create a group of connected websites, all easily managed from a single WordPress setup. This is especially beneficial for businesses that need different websites in order to meet their needs for various branches, franchises, or regional offices. It helps brands maintain a consistent brand image all in one central location.

Blog Website

WordPress has its origins as a blogging platform, and it is widely used for creating and managing blogs. Hiring a WordPress developer, particularly for blogging, adds professionalism and specialization in maintaining WordPress websites by configuring blog settings, increasing search engine visibility, assigning blog particular categories and tags, and enabling comments and social sharing.
WordPress web development

Membership Website

Membership websites allow only active members or registered users to have access to important content, services, or products. Aavivvi is one of the best WordPress web development firms that know how to create membership sites, with the addition of features like user registration, login systems, controlled content access, subscription management, and member profiles.

Plugin Integration

Websites for some businesses need certain features or functions. Some businesses may require particular features that are not easily available in WordPress plugins, but there can be plugins and extensions that make WordPress more functional and easier to use. In that area, custom plugins are developed. WordPress developers at Aavivvi can create custom plugins and integrate the needed functionality.
WordPress web development

API Integration

APIs (application programming interfaces) are an important part of WordPress web development. APIs help WordPress websites connect with different applications, platforms, or services. Through APIs, the process of data exchange becomes smoother and easier. Examples of API integrations are social media platforms, payment gateways, third-party analytical tools, or CRM systems on a WordPress website.
Plugin Integration
Some businesses need particular features or functions on their websites. WordPress provides plugins and extensions that make websites more functional and easily accessible, but sometimes businesses may need particular features that are not easily accessible in the plugins that are already on the market. That is where custom plugin development takes place. Plugin developers at Aavivvi know how to create custom plugins in addition add the required functionalities to WordPress websites.
API Integration
APIs (application programming interfaces) are an important part of WordPress web development. APIs help WordPress websites connect with different applications, platforms, or services. Through APIs, the process of data exchange becomes smoother and easier. Examples of API integrations are social media platforms, payment gateways, third-party analytical tools, or CRM systems on a WordPress website.
Custom Functionalities
There are different types of businesses, and each business has its own unique functionalities. When they try to make their business online through WordPress website development, they are in need of specific functions that are not easily available with ready-made themes or plugins. Therefore to bring these functionalities into action, there is a need for coding and programming. At Aavivvi, we know how to customize WordPress functionalities with the help of coding and programming as per the business’s or organization’s requirements.